COVID-19 Trusted Attribute Exchange
A trusted attribute is a fact that has been verified by a person or organisation so that it is trusted and can be used as a token to transfer that piece of information between people and organisations. Trusted attributes could enable a citizen’s seamless access to local authority services. As an example, a driver’s licence is a trusted attribute that we are probably all familiar with. This research project is about a new form of trusted attribute exchange model that should create, verify and transfer trusted attributes relating to covid-19 automatically on the citizen’s behalf.
The research is a small part of a larger research project looking at trusted attribute exchange for all kinds of attributes. This project is focused only on attributes and services relating to covid-19.
Four interviews have provided real-life experience of having to access government services related to covid-19.
Below are the recommendations from the interviews, the service used by the interviewees, the services that the interviewees would have liked to have used and the four individual interviews mapped visually.
This research has undergone an institutional (The Glasgow School of Art) ethics review. A Participant Information Sheet contains further details.
Implications for the design of trusted attribute exchange systems to support people during covid-19
- Immediate introduction into suitable paths/systems.
- Trusted attribute exchanges should remove burden of seeking help from citizens.
Citizen Empowerment
- Should be useful for citizens to use as proof for their own purposes.
- Should make clear not just what is shared but with whom and for what purpose.
- Should share what the person is entitled to - not what grants the entitlement.
- Shared data should not be externally visible i.e. outside of consented services.
Service Introduction
- People who are unwell or scared are not in a good position to sign up to new services such as a trusted attribute exchange.
- Maybe introduce trusted attribute exchange to citizens and healthcare staff with existing services e.g. pharmacy.
Services related to covid-19
The following diagrams were produced from an amalgamation of services that the interviewees said they had used or would have liked to have used during and shortly after having covid-19.
The Experiences of four People who have had covid-19
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
Digital Health and Care Institute
The Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) is a partnership between the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Strathclyde. The DHI aims to bring together health, care and third sector professionals, academics and industry partners to work together to develop innovative ideas to overcome health and social care challenges.
Authors: Jay Bradley and Gemma Teal from the Innovation School at The Glasgow School of Art
Published: November 2021